Tuina for Beginners
What is Tuina?
Tuina is a modality within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that utilizes knowledge of the body's energy flow and acupressure points to relieve aches and pains, manage stress and improve overall health and wellness.
Are Tuina and Massage the same?
The short answer is yes, and no. Tuina is a type of bodywork with some similarities to shiatsu. Think of it as a deep tissue manipulation along the TCM channels of the body utilizing acupressure points to open the body’s natural flow of Qi (energy) and blood in order to ease pain, release tension and allow healing within. It's a great way to release obstructions (like trigger points, knots, and Ashi points) that are believed to lead to pain. As a branch of TCM, it is often used alongside Fire Cupping, Moxibustion and Acupuncture.
Common Issues Treated with tuina
Neck, shoulder and/or back tension
Low backache
Leg Cramps
TMJ and Jaw Tension
Digestive issues
Treatment options at Lite Mind Body Clinic
60 minutes Combined Tuina and fire cupping
Beginning with Tuina focused on the neck and shoulders followed by a cupping session and finishing off with Tuina on the back.
60-Minute Wu’s Head Massage
A massage that works over the entire face, scalp, neck and some shoulder work. Very relaxing, and also great for those looking for relief from headaches, anxiety, jaw tension, etc.
30 Minutes of Dragon Moxa (ADrenal fatigue treatment) - seasonal offering Late summer early fall
Moxibustion by burning mugwort on the back using ginger as a medium to better spread the heat and properties of the herb throughout the body.