Detox Pathways

One of my foundational beliefs is that the human body is self-healing. All it needs is the right support to fuel what it’s designed to do best - KEEP US HEALTHY.

One major way our body keeps us healthy is through a built-in detoxification system, ridding our bodies of harmful chemicals and eliminating what it doesn’t need. We can thank five major organs for this elimination cycle, known as our DETOX PATHWAYS - our skin, lungs, kidneys, colon and liver.

Let’s focus on the skin. Your skin excretes toxins that have found their way inside your body and it helps to protect you by preventing bacteria, viruses, and chemical toxins from entering the body. The skin is the largest organ in our body; because of this, it’s quite susceptible to toxic exposure through the products we use ( toiletries, cosmetics, household cleaners) which contain harmful ingredients that get absorbed into our bloodstream. We absorb 60% of what contacts our skin in just twenty-six seconds! Slathering on toxic-filled lotions or sleeping in sheets washed with chemicals every day can lead to a serious build-up of toxins in your system.

SWEAT EVERY DAY! The body's detox system is like a funnel - you can dump a lot in but there is a narrow exit pathway. Excess toxins overflow and must be re-deposited and “stored” in our organs, brain and gut. It is SO important to balance the toxins circulating in our bloodstream with our ability to move them out. Otherwise, we are just moving toxins from one part of the body to the other. The easiest way to do this? Book a Lite Detox and sweat out your toxins in an infrared sauna. 

If you are experiencing things like fatigue, memory loss, sleep impairment, hair loss, rashes, or inflammatory conditions like gout arthritis these are signs that your body is crying out for help. 

If you are interested in evaluating your drainage pathways and finding a detox to fit your body’s needs, I can put together an entire drainage protocol just for you to help you improve your health and overall quality of life. Book a Holistic Nutrition consult today! 


Six Infrared Sauna Benefits


November Newsletter