What does it mean to boost your immune system?

One of the most commonly listed benefits for our lite therapy experience is to boost your immune system. However, what does this really mean? In order to better explain, we must first learn some basics about our immune system.

The main goal of our immune system is to protect us from foreign invaders, yet not many aware of the complexity in the ways that the immune system performs this function.

Innate vs. Adaptive Immunity

Our immune system is split into 2 branches, these branches perform similar functions at different times. The key here is that they communicate with one another to ensure a well-rounded immune response. When our body encounters a foreign invader, innate immunity kicks in. This response is general, think of it like putting a band-aid over a paper cut. You want something quick to stop the bleeding but it is not necessarily helping to heal your cut. Similarly, innate immunity buys the body more time. During this time, adaptive immunity develops a more specific response depending on the invader. This ensures that the body generates a response that is both effective and long-lasting.


When you further breakdown adaptive immunity, it consists of many different components. While the words T-cells and antibodies often come to mind, they perform different functions. T-cells are considered a part of cellular immunity. There are many different types but particularly, they are there to physically attack the foreign invader and notify other cells. In comparison, antibodies are part of the humoral immunity. The term humoral refers to the presence of these antibodies in the extracellular space, so think of spaces outside your cells. The act to bind to invaders to neutralize them and prevent them entering the cells in the first place.


What makes adaptive immunity so unique is that it can form a memory. When we receive a vaccine, we are getting a small amount of a potential foreign invader. This small amount cannot hurt us but it will help activate our immune system, both innate and adaptive. However, since adaptive immunity is able to form a memory, when do encounter the actual invader, whether it be a virus or bacteria, our adaptive immunity will activate its previous response. This allows an effective and quick response to kick in immediately.

**the COVID mRNA vaccine undergoes a different mechanism in the body that is not discussed here.


At Lite Mind Body Clinic, we want to focus on the mental and physical health. We want to create an environment where you can come and fully relax your mind and body. For us, boosting your immune system means allowing it to perform at its best. Factors such as stress, poor diet and lack of sleep can all lead to a compromised immune system and potentially compromised health status. When you maintain your body at an optimal state, even if it means taking an hour for a massage session or a lite therapy experience, this gives your body and mind the rest it needs to ensure optimal performance.

Lite Mind Body Clinic

Lite Mind Body Clinic
Toronto’s Newest Self Care Sanctuary

Canada’s First Thermotherapy Clinic
Infrared Sauna - Chiropractic Care - Acupuncture

Home of the Lite Detox Experience


Registered Psychotherapist at Lite Mind Body Clinic - Bella Pahlevan


Head Clinician, Chiropractor, and Acupuncture Provider at Lite Mind Body Clinic - Dr. Celia Corbo