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Meet Charmaine: Holistic Nutritionist and Body Astrologer

My story isn’t unique. Maybe you can relate.

Ever since I’ve had my period, I’ve had a turbulent relationship with her. I was put on birth control to “regulate my cycles” and to reduce the occasional acne that showed up. With only a brief set of instructions on how to take the pills, I entered the next decade of my life taking birth control pills without question.

And why would I have thought anything was wrong? My periods arrived every month (on the same day, at the same time), they were light and I didn’t experience any PMS. Everything must be fine!

It wasn’t until I decided to stop taking the pills did the issues arise. Every month, my period became a battle I dreaded. 

My cycle became unpredictable. Mid-cycle cramps, backaches and breast tenderness became regular occurrences. I was foggy and tired all the time. My moods fluctuated. My flow became astonishingly heavy. And worst of all, the cramps during my period were unbearable. Simply debilitating.

But I carried on because what other option did I have? As far as I knew, cramps and PMS were normal for menstruating women. Those of us with painful periods were just out of luck and we had to deal with it. 

I was dependent on painkillers to carry me through my periods. It wasn’t until I enrolled at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition and became a Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner that I learned how hormonal birth control simply masked my underlying hormonal imbalances, and symptom-free periods were actually normal, not PMS!

Since then, I’ve rebalanced my hormones, which also meant addressing my underlying digestive issues. I’ve learned to understand how my body naturally likes to flow by diving into my astrological birth chart and recognizing the signs my body gives me when something is starting to go haywire. I have a set of tools and practices I can rely on to focus my area of support to prevent more chronic conditions from developing. I’ve also optimized my menstrual cycle and am able to confidently make eating decisions best suited for my body and needs.

This is why I’m so passionate about guiding women in healing their menstrual cycle and taking back control of their health - because while PMS is very common, it is not normal. Experiencing symptom-free cycles and feeling our most well-nourished should really be the norm.

This can be your story too. You deserve to feel well-nourished, happy and alive in your body and I can help you get there.

It’s time to start feeling GREAT in your body again.