What you need to know about Community Acupuncture in Toronto and where to go!
Community acupuncture is a type of acupuncture where treatment sessions are provided in a group setting. The therapeutic goals are no different than those happen in a private one-on-one session. However, the experience itself has a few unique aspects which include the interaction with the acupuncturist and the environment of the treatment room. It is a social-business model that allows more patients of different financial backgrounds to have access to needles. Currently in Toronto, there are several clinics that offer community acupuncture:
The top rated clinics in Toronto for Community Acupuncture include:
#1 Lite Mind Body Clinic at 87 Harbord Street Book Here - Full acupuncture treatment for only $50 no tax
#2 Toronto Community Acupuncture at 3 Munro Street
#3 Urban Wellness at 489 College Street
Pros of Community Acupuncture:
Participants remain fully dressed
Time is not as limited - participants can choose to stick around given that there are not a lot of people in line
Enjoy a more relaxed ambience with the opportunity of connecting with like-minded people
Experience the benefits of acupuncture in the same room with family and friends
More people in need get treated in a short period of time
A much more affordable way of getting quality and sustainable healthcare
Community acupuncture - it's an affordable way to get quality healthcare at affordable prices!