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Japanese Style Acupunture 101

Interviewed by: Talia Quilliam

What is Moxibustion and how does it work?

Moxibustion is technique that uses a herb called mug-wart. Transfers heat into the body when burned. This then Vaso-dialates the tissue and helps with circulation, immune system and digestive system. It is used in a number of ways but all together helps circulation within the body.

What is the difference between Japanese Style Acupuncture needles to TCM?

TCM style they use stainless steel needles. JSA uses different metals and the acupuncturist would decide what metal to use depending on a patients condition. Silver in JSA is the most common. It is a thinner needle so it is gentle, less painful and the body assimilates to the treatment the best.

"I'm afraid of needles"

It is very different from a “western needle”. The JSA needle is more like a pin, it is painless, most people don’t feel anything. It is an extremely gentle technique the needle doesn’t go very deep into the skin and almost never breaks through the skin. Once experienced the fear of a needle will be eliminated, and there is no need to be afraid.

What can first timers expect Japanese style acupuncture?

I will ask you a series of intake questions to better understand your health, lifestyle and condition. Then I will make a comprehensive diagnosis using Hara technique. An abdominal diagnosis using different regions of the stomach to know whats going on internally. It allows me to understand how your nervous system is holding tension. From there, what I find within the intake and Hara technique I will treat you accordingly to your diagnosis.

What are the top treatments for Japansese Style Acupuncture?

Acupuncture can treat a variety of conditions. Including pain in and around the body, acute pain, chronic pain, back pain. Especially noticed now that people are working from home, there are more people coming in for back and shoulder pain. Headaches and stress which affects the nervous system causing digestive issues, sleep issues, energy issues, hormonal imbalances. All of these are conditions that are treatable under Japanese Style Acupuncture.

Signs that you might benefit from Japanese Style Acupuncture:

  • Sleep: Difficulty falling asleep (feeling tired but wired), waking during the middle of the night/waking early.

  • Digestion: Bloating (especially the lower abdomen)

  • Headaches: Migraines, tension headaches

  • Muscle Tension: Neck, shoulder, back tension

  • Women’s Health: Menstrual irregularities/pain, infertility

  • Emotions: Irritated easily, lack of motivation, anxious