Cycle Syncing

Have you ever heard of cycle syncing? It's a practice that encourages women to cater their lifestyle and habits to align with their body's needs throughout their menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is highly important to women's body functions and honouring it through specific activities and conscious consumption can help us feel more connected to our bodies. We’ve put together some information on the different stages throughout a menstrual cycle and included some practices that may be helpful throughout each stage. 

Menstrual Phase (~days 1-5)

During menstruation, Estrogen and Progesterone levels are low. This is when the body realizes it is not pregnant and begins to shed the uterine lining. It is common to experience fatigue while menstruating as the body is undergoing a change that can be very physically taxing. It is beneficial to rest while menstruating as this phase can be accompanied with pain. Symptoms can show up as cramps, back pain, breast pain, bloating etc. Though some people find light exercise like walks or yoga can be helpful when dealing with pain. Similarly, many find that acupuncture is helpful in alleviating some of the pain that comes with menstruating. Acupuncture helps to restore balance and reduce inflammation. Consuming foods which are high in Iron, such as leafy greens, lean meats and beans is recommended as iron levels significantly decrease during the menstruation phase. It can also be helpful to consume anti-inflammatory ingredients such as turmeric, ginger and garlic. As always, eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water is always helpful to maintain one's health. It can also be helpful to take magnesium as a supplement while on your period as it is found to relieve symptoms related to menstruation. Foods to avoid while menstruating include coffee and other caffeinated beverages, alcohol, red meat, dairy, salty and sugary foods, red meat, and fried foods. Be mindful as these foods or ingredients can increase pain and discomfort during your period so lessening your consumption or avoiding altogether might save you some aches and pains.

Follicular Phase (~days 6-14)

Estrogen levels start rising during this phase, reaching its height in the last follicular days. Energy levels start to increase after the menstrual phase. Making this a good time for endurance or weight training to exert some energy. Individuals also report increased concentration, meaning this could be a good time to increase your workload or start new projects. As always, it's important to implement self-care practices to prevent burn out and over exertion. During the follicular phase, you can help your body balance estrogen levels by consuming foods like cruciferous vegetables, fermented foods, healthy fats and leafy greens. You can also opt for foods that support your body's rising energy levels. Complex carbohydrates and lean proteins are good choices.

Ovulatory Phase (~days 15-17)

This point in your cycle is when the Luteinizing Hormone reaches peak levels and the egg gets released from the ovaries. While ovulating, many find they have high energy levels. This is a great time to engage in high intensity workouts. This is also a good time to go out and be social! Meeting new people or spending time with loved ones could be a great way to channel this high energy phase. Libido is also increased while ovulating, so this may be a good time to be intimate with another person. If you are aiming to become pregnant, the body is most fertile during this time so this is when you are most likely to conceive. If you are not trying to become pregnant, it is important to be extra mindful about using protection. With the egg being released from the ovaries, some pain may occur in the lower abdomen. Because everyone is different, make sure to listen to your body and rest if you are in pain. Consuming a well balanced diet during this period will help to maintain energy levels. 

Luteal Phase (~days 18-28)

In the luteal phase Progesterone meets its peak and Estrogen begins to rise again. During this phase, we see our energy levels start to decrease after being up for a few weeks. For many, we also see the onset of PMS. Tender breasts and cramps may make some people want to rest and relax as your period approaches. Though changes in mental health and emotional wellbeing may encourage others to manage these fluctuations through exercise. Listening to your body is majorly important at this time because symptoms vary from person to person as well as in intensity. The body may be indicating increased appetite and cravings during this time. While it is totally okay to opt for a treat, always be sure you are eating when hungry as this can help curb constant cravings. Choosing foods that keep you feeling satisfied are always a good choice. This can include complex carbohydrates and high fibre options like cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens and sweet potatoes. As the luteal phase ends we welcome back our period to restart the cycle.

If you are curious to learn more about your own cycle and want specific recommendations, book an appointment with Charmaine, our Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Women's Hormone Health Practitioner.


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