Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy metals can manifest in a host of symptoms in the body. Frequent headaches, anxiety, memory problems, depression, tingling sensations, infertility, skin issues and weakened immunity. This happens due to an overload accumulated over a long period of time, sometimes decades. Therefore, it is important to remain aware of our environment as it becomes increasingly dangerous and we are exposed to toxins in our soil, water and the air we breathe. The most common heavy metals found in the body are mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and aluminium.

Mercury: The most toxic! This is why the thought of people having mercury fillings in their mouths is quite scary. Did you know that 50 tonnes of mercury are released into the air on an annual basis in the US? This expulsion of mercury is destroying the earth as organic, healthy, plants are having mercury rained down on them. The new “Smart Lightbulb,” which is intended to be environmentally conscious, is loaded with mercury and, if accidentally broken, can poison you. Additionally, high levels of mercury can be found in fish such as tuna and sea bass.

Fruits: detox your body and open up eliminative pathways. Blueberries are especially good - a superfood for our nervous system, and brain and a great remover of heavy metals. Enjoy them raw, in season, and always organic.

Cilantro: This herb goes deep into the body to extract metals, especially those which might have been inherited from our ancestors. Kept raw, juicing is the most effective detox tool with this vegetable.

Parsley: A natural diuretic known to flush out heavy metals from the body.

Atlantic Dulse: a magic seaweed. As we know, the oceans are contaminated with heavy metals. This seaweed soaks up heavy metals but it never releases them. It has the same effect on our bodies.

Hawaiian Spirulina: removes heavy metals from the brain, nervous system and liver.

Other useful remedies:

Arsenic: Can be found in cigarettes and agricultural runoff that is absorbed into our soil.

Cadmium: Mostly found in people who smoke tobacco or are exposed to cigarette smoke. It can also be found in rice which is grown in contaminated water.

Lead: Formerly used in pipes - many homes still possess it. Additionally, found in many children’s toys and in contaminated soil and water.

Aluminium: The worst heavy metal for neurological issues and studies show it may also be linked to Alzheimer’s. It occurs naturally in air, water and soil.

You might be surprised to find that vegan protein powder and cacao have some of the highest concentrations of heavy metals. Before purchasing these products, consumers have the right to reach out to the company and request metal testing on their products. Third-party testing is best.

Concerned about heavy metal toxicity? There are simple ways to detox heavy metals on a daily basis.


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