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Breathwork for Digestion

Are you suffering from digestive issues, such as IBS and Crohn’s Disease? There is no simple solution to digestive health, as triggers vary from patient to patient, however, we have a natural and effective solution that may work for you! Our Breathwork Therapist can teach you how to alleviate your digestive symptoms using a non-invasive, all-natural remedy.  

Using breathing exercises, breathwork teaches you how to manipulate the rate and depth of your breath. Through breathwork, you can gain greater self-awareness, delve into your subconscious, and relieve the intensity of digestive issues and the anxiety that accompanies them. Deep breathing supports the digestive process and is useful before and after a meal. For those who suffer from more complex digestive issues, conscious, deep breathing, can play a crucial role in reducing symptoms.  

There exists a connection between our gut and brain – when we’re stressed, we may experience an increase in digestive issues and vice versa. Maintaining good digestive health is dependent upon how we treat our mind and body. By calming the nervous system, breathwork can help to alleviate the intensity of stress and anxiety, in turn, reducing gastro symptoms. In relaxing our body, we relive the pressure placed on our digestive system and, while this may not solve gastro-intestinal issues, it can reduce the degree to which symptoms are experienced. By restoring calm to the mind and body, stressful symptoms can become more manageable, and it is in this space where we are most capable of adopting the tools needed to reduce future symptoms.

Breathwork is not a perfect solution for digestive issues, but it can transform your life, and in turn, your health. By reducing the intensity of stress, calming down our body, and allowing our digestive system to relax, we create the space necessary to properly assess our symptoms and the solutions they require. By working one on one with our breathwork specialist, Alicia Belvedere, you can feel safe sharing your symptoms, exploring solutions, and learning how to utilize your breath to improve your digestive health.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs and the digestive system are closely connected and require harmony to function properly. When our breathing is shallow and less expansive, the system falls out of synch, leading to digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, and gas. For this reason, conscious breath plays a key role in our digestive health. Typically, we are intaking shallow breaths that fail to fill the lungs up all the way, alternatively, breathwork encourages diaphragmatic breathing – deep, expansive breaths into the belly. Diaphragmatic breathing helps to create a natural, internal massage for our organs as our abdomen expands and contracts with every breath, soothing any tension in the system.