
Registered Massage Therapy

30 mins $75 | 45 mins $100 | 60 mins $121 | 90 mins $191

Massage therapy improves physical and emotional health by assessing and manually treating the soft tissues of the body. It is most effective for treating soft tissue tension or injuries, reducing stress, and improving local or systemic circulation.

Hot Stones Massage

60 mins $126 | 90 mins $191

Hot stone massage can relieve pain and tension in your muscles. Applying heat to an area of the body helps increase blood flow to that spot, which improves healing and relaxation.

Spring Renewal Massage

60 mins $150

Full body treatment including dry brushing, lotion massage, and a back and shoulder hydration mask to help you rejuvenate for the spring and summer season.

Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage

60 mins $200

This treatment may help eliminate toxins and excess body fluids that tend to accumulate in the deeper tissues of the skin and muscles.

Facial Massage

Buccal Massage

45 mins $111 | 75 mins $150

Intraoral massage stimulates lymphatic drainage to reduce puffiness, flush toxins and encourage circulation.

TMJ Massage

45 mins $100

A TMJ Massage is a massage for jaw pain. This appointment includes an assessment and treatment. TMJ massage therapy can gently work the jaw muscles, increasing circulation to help decrease inflammation and speed healing time.

Women’s Health

Moon Cycle Massage

60 mins $111

This treatment helps soothe and calm menstruation cramps or aches. Massage therapy helps promote calmness and reduce stress, which can help reduce the intensity of period cramps.

Prenatal Massage

60 mins $111

Prenatal massage is a great way to improve relaxation, and sleep, and reduce pregnancy-related aches and pains. Regular massage therapy helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and relax the mind and body to support your fertility journey.