Lite Mind Body

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Boost Your Immunity

Tips you can do to help boost your immunity:

1.Get enough sleep. It can be easy to sacrifice sleep to get more work done, however, know when it’s time to take a break. Rest is just as important as work. It allows you to recharge and replenish after a long day, which in turns helps to strengthen your immune system. 

2.Have a well balanced diet and exercise. Balance is the key to everything. What we do, think, say eat, feel, they all require awareness and through it we can grow stronger.

2.Do things that help relieve your stress. When your stress levels are high, your body is not able to perform its best because its undergoing pressure and tension. Do activities that you love to de-stress, it can be anything from spending the evening painting to a afternoon good sweat session!

3.Wash your hands! Can’t stress this enough, especially during this time. Important to keep ourselves physically clean as we go throughout our days touching many surfaces that may contain bacteria and viruses. 

4.Upgrade your health and wellness routine. Consult with your healthcare professional to see if there are any ways you can update routine, it can be as simple as adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet or including a Lite Detox Experience into your weekly schedule. There can be ways to improve your routine, and boost your immune system. 

Hope these small steps can help you!

With love,

Lite Mind Body